
Category: Digital Agriculture

Nakuru launches mobile-phone based mechanisation school for farmers

To take knowledge closer to farmers and improve the quality of their produce, Nakuru County has partnered with a private player to launch a mobile-phone…

New technology to increase maize yields in western Kenya

Farmers in western Kenya are set to benefit from the use of cutting-edge digital tools to monitor agricultural soil health conditions, and optimise the use…

A.I tags that help in telling the Perfect time to Inseminate

If conception fails after insemination, you incur losses due to repeat heats ranging between Kshs4,000 and Ksh12,000, and lose valuable milking and calving time. Inaccurate…

How researchers and farmers ensure you get quality potatoes

The importance of the potato meal on the table for many Kenyans cannot be overstated. It is a delicacy that ranks second most important after…