
Farmers in Samburu receive funds

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A large number of farmers have received benefit from Sh1.02.5 million that the World Bank and national government have disbursed. The National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth project (NARIGP) facilitated this in an effort to fight poverty and provide food security.

The deputy governor of Samburu, Julius Leseeto shared that these funds will help beef farmers, bee keepers, poultry and dairy farmers in the county

“All the sectors we are assisting align with the President’s agenda on food security,” the deputy governor said.

Furthermore, the DG said Egerton University and other institutions will help provide the necessary work for the

He further encouraged farmers to start keeping fewer but high quality livestock that can fetch good prices in the livestock market.

He urged farmers to keep fewer but better quality livestock. Moreover, these will help fetch competitive prices in the market.

How will the farmers in Samburu benefit from the received funds

On his part, Samburu County Commissioner Abdirisak Jaldesa said that the NARIGP project will reduce cases of malnutrition in Samburu County since households will have access to various foods and fruits away from the traditional milk, blood and meat.

The county commissioner Abdirisak Jaldesa belives this project will battle malnutrition in the county. In addition, the access to various foods will boost the overall health of people in the community.

John Lalantare, a recipient of the funds works in Sustainable Land Management (SLM) believes the money will help battle things like soil erosion in the community.

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