
Kericho County reviving sugarcane sector

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The County Government of Kericho has stepped up efforts to revive sugarcane farming in the County. Through a Public-Private Partnership initiative in establishing a sugar mill the county hopes to bring back the lucrative sugarcane business. How does Kericho county plan on reviving the sugarcane sector?

Kericho County Executive Committee Member (CECM)-In-Charge of Agriculture, Mr.Phillip Mason shared some insight on the state of sugarcane farmers. He shared that for many years’ farmers incurred high costs of cane transportation to millers domiciled outside the County. Additionally, as farmers have been taking their cane to Muhoroni Sugar Mill, they have experience increased delayed cane harvesting.

The only factory in the County, Soin mill, collapsed eight years ago. Sugarcane farmers have less money coming in from millers because of the high transportation charges. In turn, this makes it a less profitable venture.

However, to remedy this, he says that the County Government has invited investors to put up a sugar mill. Moreover, this mill is proposed to be in Soin-Sigowet Sub-County, where sugarcane farming is majorly practiced.

“Currently, there are about two such investors who have shown a lot of interest in putting up a sugar mill. Furthermore, we believe it will come in handy for the farmers who have suffered high cost of transportation,” said Mason.

Mr Mason assured the public that County Government of Kericho will continue to provide an environment for investors in the agricultural sector. Conclusively, Kericho county believes that by reviving the sugarcane sector they will build the County’s economy.

To read more about sugarcane production, CLICK HERE

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