sugarcane farmers to benefit from increased purchase price

Sugarcane purchase price increased

Views: 1446

Sugarcane farmers received great news as the purchase price on their crop is set to be increased as per the government approval through the Sugarcane Pricing committee. The new price, effective November 18th will increase from Sh3,833 per ton to Sh4,112 per ton.

The CS of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Peter Munya shared that the change came as the committee chose to base the price of cane on the average ex-factory sugar price of Sh4,770 per 50kg bag.

Millers are to stick by the new prices as per strict warning. Additionally, farmers paid less have been requested to report the issue to the Agriculture and Food Authority.

Both the government and private sector entities have invested heavily in the Sugarcane sector and in turn, production has increased. Munya shared that this is what he believes warranted the increase in price.

“Cumulatively, sugar production in January to October 2021 was 577,807 ton compared to 514,727 ton produced in the same period in the previous year. Sugar production increase is due to improved availability of sugar cane in all sugar growing areas attributed to favorable weather conditions and improved cane prices.” explained Munya.

This movement in the positive direction for Sugar Cane is a great sign of what can happen when farmers, the government and private sector come together to improve the growth of a sector.

CS Munya hopes that this improvement in the Cane sector will help to show what is possible for other sectors too.

Read more about the change HERE

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