Nakuru county poor maize harvest

Woes in Nakuru due to poor maize harvest

Views: 682

Nakuru county is a regular when it comes to high maize production. However current predictions have the county anticipating a poor harvest for the crop.

County director for agriculture, Fredrick Owino shared that a number of farmers have accepted their fate and are cutting down stunted crops to feed their crops to at least squeeze some value out of them.

On the other hand, Owino shared that farmers who planted beans alone are enjoying a good harvest. Additionally, the demand for the beans has also been high.

Ms Sagwe, a farmer in Ngata, said that the loss was truly heartbreaking for her as she invested heavily, hoping for a great turn around. Majority of her farm succumbed to the drought devastation and frost.

Chairman of the Kenya National Association of Farmers’ Association, Lukas Kessei made an appeal to the government for them to re-introduce the Minimum Guaranteed Returns (MGR).

A system that provides a cushion for farmers against natural factors like climate change capable of destroying a whole crop.


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