
Agriculture Hub launched in Eldoret

Views: 1906

The launch of an Agricultural Hub in Eldoret was led by The National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPD) Chairman, Mutea Iringo. Five more are to be set off in the near future in the country.

Agro leaders and traders will have the ability to enjoy the Agricultural Hub as a one stop shop. Furthermore, financial and insurance service providers as well as cooperatives will have access to this.

Ideally, the hub is to benefit farmers by offering all avenues to sell their produce. Moreover, the Hub will also enable farmers to borrow with ease from the warehouse receipts for future seasons.

Iringo has the strong belief that this endeavor will stabilize the market. Additionally, NCPB will go on to ensure that farmers benefit through the knowledge shared via the Hub.

“The purpose of purchasing strategic food reservation is to ensure food security for all. This will be possible by ensuring farm inputs are available at affordable prices, it is our business to support farmer’s association by ensuring that the farm inputs are available. In turn, this will motivate farmers to produce more, “ Iringo said.

Additionally, Iringo shared that unfavorable fertilizer prices in the market are a major issue affecting many since covid-19.

“We are working round the clock in ensuring we get a solution regarding high fertilizer prices.

Further he reiterated on the benefits of the Hub to the farmers, where he said that the Hub will help the farmers in accessing the inputs at an affordable price.



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