
Country’s export vegetables gets a boost with new project in four counties

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Country’s export vegetables gets a boost with new project in four counties

By Jackson Okata

The County Government of Nakuru in partnership with Dan Church Aid is implementing the Agritech Solutions project for Climate Resilient and Financial Inclusion of smallholders in Kenya.

The project which runs in the four counties of Nakuru, Nyandarua, Siaya and Busia aims at addressing the challenges of climate change and low financial inclusivity despite the areas having high agricultural potential.

In Nakuru County, the project primarily focuses on exporting vegetables produced in the county, including French beans, chia seeds, chillies, green peas and snow peas.

During the inception meeting held this week, Nakuru county’s CEC Agriculture, Dr Immaculate Maina said that farmers need to adopt specific strategies to mitigate climate change.

She also called on the coordinating team to use the project as leverage to train farmers on crop insurance and help  help protect farmers against losses caused by crop failure as a result of climatic changes.

Head of  Dan Church Aid (DCA) program in Kenya, Mr. Patrick Kibuku, said that their goal is to build resilient communities in Nakuru by ensuring they adapt to climate resilience production.

The project aims at increasing productivity in Njoro, Subukia, and Bahati sub counties as well as financial literacy among farmers through training and capacity building.




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