
Fish Cage farming in Lake Victoria

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Low fish stock in Lake Victoria has become a blessing in disguise as fish cage farming increases on the lake, that is expected to lead to high fish stock.

Fish cage farming has increased by Lake Victoria and is countering the drop in the low fish stock.

Ironically, the low fish stock in the lake region is not deeply affecting the economic growth. However, it is inviting more investments through fish cage farming that supply the needed deficit.

Mr. Stanley Muloma from the Migori County Fisheries believes that the growth of fish cages will in turn increase the fish supply. Furthermore, this means that an increased availability offers stability in price which is a great outcome for the community.

How is fish cage farming helping the L. Victoria region?

“In the short term, there is going to be no problem of fish shortage. Dependable supplies will be available and capacity to produce more will be fulfilled through fish cages.” Muloma shared with KNA in an interview.

However, he added that low fish stock in L. Victoria, now at its lowest ebb ever, was helping to pull in fresh and crucial investments. These coming in form of fish cage growing and moreover there has been an increase in village fish ponds as well.

Additionally, the high demand for fish in L. Victoria, is already eliciting the urge for alternative fish production. Explaining the need for the cage fish farming and fish ponds.

Muloma explained that the private sector was at the forefront in embracing the alternative fish growing. Further, also production trend in the lake and last year alone, more than 20 new entrants plunged into the business.

It is estimated that there will be over 100 cage fish producers in the Lake by 2022. on the side of Migori County alone.

Conclusively, the alternatives in fish farming created have been greatly beneficial to the people of the Lake region. Read more about fish cage farming HERE



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