Quality semen now available to increase farmers productivity

Farmers can now access high quality semen and AI services, at very affordable prices from leading semen producer, Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre (KAGRC) https://kagrc.go.ke/
Formerly Central Artificial Insemination Station (CAIS), KAGRC, was established under the State Corporation Act through a legal Notice No. 110 of September 2011 in 1946. Its objective was to control breeding diseases and ensure genetic improvement of the national cattle population.
Currently , the centre produces, preserves and conserves animal genetic material such as semen embryo, tissues, and live animals. It rears breeding bulls and provides high quality disease-free semen locally and for export.
KAGRC collaborates with other breeding organisations including the Kenya Stud Book, the Dairy Recording Services of Kenya and the Livestock Recording Center, to achieve its mandate.
The sires of KAGRC bulls are selected from internationally renowned sires for milk production, components, longevity and type traits. The dams of the bulls come from registered milk recorded herds that are superior in production, longevity and fertility.
The centre mainly recruits bulls from Kenyan cattle population and only a few are produced through embryo transfer. Bulls of Friesian, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Jersey, Sahiwal and Boran breeds are reared. The number of bulls per breed is based on demand from farmers.
Semen produced in accordance with internationally accepted standards (OIE regulations), is properly labeled and examined for viability prior to distribution.
Reports from KAGRC agents and farmers indicate that the conception rates on heifers and adult cows is 1.2 and 1.4 inseminations per conception respectively. With KAGRC semen, one is assured that the cow/heifer will conceive; if all other factors are right.
The centre has devolved A.I. services to the farming communities through its substations in Kirinyaga, Sotik, Eldoret, Tharaka Nithi, and Nyahururu and appointed distribution agents in over 40 counties. It provides support services for own-farm semen collection and storage, updated information on our bulls, and extension services to farmers. In addition, tested A.I. equipment is available at affordable prices.
It also collaborates with tertiary institutions and A.I service providers on genetic selection, semen production and handling in addition to assisting counties to revitalise their A.I services for increased livestock productivity.
Currently, KAGRC is finalising on construction of the first Dairy Goat Centre in Africa, to produce and distribute dairy goat germplasm for improved productivity of Kenyan dairy goatsto an average of 4-6litres per day per goat.
It has made concerted efforts to build capacity in embryo transfer and other upcoming breeding technologies have been made, in order to distribute embryos at affordable prices to farmers. This will see the centre upscale its operations for eventual improvement of the livestock industry.
For more information please contact:
Managing Director,
Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre,
P.O. Box 23070-00604,
Lower Kabete, Nairobi.
Cell Phone: 0728899767; 0737540670
Landline: 020-2064018
Sales Office Line: 0786204400
Email: info@kagrc.co.ke
Website: www.kagrc.co.ke