Student thriving through fish farming

Student thriving through fish farming

Views: 1277

Students across the country battle with managing to keep some money in their pockets whilst searching for higher education. Ken Mwenda, a student getting his diploma in applied agriculture is one of the few who seem to have figured out a system. Beyond studying, Ken is also a thriving fish farmer while many of his peer’s battle with the jobless struggle that plagues the youth.

Ken shared that his dive into fish farming began as the global COVID-19 hit the globe. He is a resident of Kianjai, Tigania West Sub-county and believes his venture has brought some light to the community. His initiative has allowed him to cater for his school fees, upkeep and also help his family.

A greater shock comes as he shares that he only required Sh 1,000 of capital to begin his fish farming.

“I dug the pond myself, fetched the fingerlings from a river that also supplies the pond. The Sh 1,000 I invested was only for the plastic fishpond cover” shared Mwenda.

Mwenda makes about Sh 2,000 weekly from selling his fish. A kilogram of catfish and tilapia go for Sh300 and Sh400 respectively.

Mwenda urges his peers and others in the community to get into fish farming as a way to make additional income. Additionally, Mwenda has taken responsibility as the youth agriculture ambassador and helps young people understand the value of farming.

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