
Tag: Drought

Post COP: How do we work with world’s smallholder farmers to fight the challenges of climate change?

The impact of climate change is growing by the minute and urgent action is needed to put knowledge into the hands of the world’s smallholder…

Woes in Nakuru due to poor maize harvest

Nakuru county is a regular when it comes to high maize production. However current predictions have the county anticipating a poor harvest for the crop….

West Pokot distributes maize seeds

The county of West Pokot has begun distribution of 381 tons (381,000kgs) of certified maize seeds to all wards. This effort is in readiness for…

Drought affected farmers in Nandi receive insurance payout

On February, 15 2022 APA Insurance announced a Ksh-12 million initial insurance payout to farmers in Nandi for 2021 losses. The leading insurance company was…

New cross-breeds developed to battle drought

Kenya Agriculture Livestock and Research Organisation (KALRO) has recently introduced improved breeds of dairy cattle and grass. This comes as they make efforts to battle…

Rice Donation to help millions

The ongoing drought has affected millions living in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. In light of this, the government has received a rice donation of…