
Category: Poultry Keeping

Poultry farming boost in Kisumu county

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Kenya is working in partnership with the County of Kisumu to promote poultry farming. The main aim is to improve agricultural production as…

Insects in animal feed

The increase in animal feed prices and general shortage has caused concern for the product in the Kenyan market. Livestock keepers and animal feed manufacturers…

Why you should consider Kuroiler chicken

Kuroiler is a rural-specific, multicolu­ored, dual-purpose bird. It was developed through selective and controlled crossing of high yielding indige­nised poultry germplasm. Keggs Farm in India…

Kuroiler chicken farming

Mrs Teresia Ng’ang’  sells to her latest customer a batch of her day-old chicks , then makes her way back to the coop where she…

Part 2: Broiler house designs

The design should facilitate productivity and profit. Some factors to consider when building a poultry house include: Choosing the site: Dr Dhia Alchalabi, a poultry…

Housing preparation for broilers

Rearing chickens for meat (broilers) is a venture that is worth trying out. Broilers grow fast and are ready for slaughter at 20 weeks. Also,…

What to Consider Before Starting a Kienyeji Chicken Enterprise

Chicken farming, whether the indigenous or broiler breed, draws in as much interest and loathing in equal measure from those who have succeeded or failed…

Women and youth in Nakuru earning a living through chicken rearing

With the declining jobs in Kenya, and especially in urban areas, women and youth in Nakuru County have taken to rearing chickens to earn a…

Kiambu Poultry Farmers’ Cooperative: The power of a visionary group

By Caroline Mwendwa  When egg prices dropped in November 2018 due to imports flooding the Kenyan market, local farmers were hit hard. They had nowhere…