An old adage from my folks can loosely be translated as, ‘businesses fail because of poor accounting’. Contemporary business practices also emphasise the need to…
Nearly 40 million day-old male chicks from the laying-hen hatcheries in Germany are killed annually. The global figure is about 6.5 billion. Poultry farms don’t…
Nakuru County farmer, Mrs Elizabeth Kabilo, was bubbling with excitement. She had planted onions on a two-acre piece of land and everything looked great in…
Kuroiler is a rural-specific, multicoluored, dual-purpose bird. It was developed through selective and controlled crossing of high yielding indigenised poultry germplasm. Keggs Farm in India…
The design should facilitate productivity and profit. Some factors to consider when building a poultry house include: Choosing the site: Dr Dhia Alchalabi, a poultry…